Benji & Beau: Natural Pet Care Products
AD I was lucky enough to be gifted one of Benji & Beau's natural pet care products, and as I have Casper with his spaniel ears, I chose...

Goodchap's: "More Than Just Treats"
I have been wanting to write this blog post for a while now and have put aside half written blogs for this one! Not only is this because...

Moving House With Pets
Moving house can be extremely stressful, but understandably this is also the case for the pets in the household. I have moved house with...

Pumpkin & Peanut Butter Treats
Like every Halloween, I enjoyed carving my pumpkin! However I didn't want to waste the insides, so I thought what a better way to put...

Testing The Furbo Dog Camera
Supported by Furbo. Advertisement. I am always buying and testing products for Casper... and sometimes myself! But the Furbo camera has...

Crufts 2018! My First Visit
This year I went to the one and only Crufts for the very first time! I have uploaded my Crufts haul onto my YouTube channel, where I go...

Pup'cakes for Casper's 2nd Birthday!
Casper turned 2 years old on the 24th January and of course he was a spoilt pooch, even more than usual! On his birthday I was working a...

Luna's Loft
I found Luna's Loft, through their instagram account (this is going to be the case for most small and larger dog companies I've...